- March 31st -

- Palm Palm Easter -
Look your Easter best with Leafies
It's that time of year again... spring! The crocuses, daffodils and snowdrops look cheerful and herald the season of growth and bloom. And when you say spring, you quickly say Easter. The celebration to reflect on all the relationships in your life that deserve the necessary attention. Let the people around you know that you care about them and send them a small gift! Say it with Leafies.
Alternative for Easter eggs and Easter branches
Easter is full of chocolate and beautifully decorated Easter branches. Painting and hunting for eggs are real traditions and the chickens and chicks are completely part of it. But do it differently this year! Start your own Easter tradition and wish someone a happy Easter with the lasting keepsake of Leafies.
Leafy plants that remain
These beautiful abstract leaves from Leafies are made of thin metal and can be easily bent into organic shapes. Choose from different designs and then choose the color you want (green, rust or bronze). Something for everyone! An advantage of Leafies is that they will not decay like real Easter branches or be eaten like those delicious Easter eggs. It is a Leafe gift that lasts.
Have it delivered or take it away
Are you planning an Easter brunch this year? Then have your Leafies delivered to your home first. Complete them here with a card and Kraft paper bag with filling sand and make a nice package. Take them with you and give them as a gift to friends or family during dinner! Don't you have any plans? No problem either. Then have these beautiful leaves easily delivered as a letterbox gift! Because they fit through the letterbox, you don't have to stay home for them.
Who are you going to surprise?